Thursday, February 16, 2017

Senior Class Meets with Jewish Federation Leaders

Senior Class Meets with Jewish Federation Leaders
By The Senior Class of 2017  

    On Tuesday February 14th the Rosenblatt High School Senior class met with two prominent community leaders, Rabbi Josh Brodie and Mr. Bryan Drowos, who shared with us their experiences in serving the local Jewish community.

   Rabbi Josh Broide, of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County, serves as the director of the Deborah and Larry D. Silver Center for Jewish Engagement. Mr. Bryan Drowos is a member of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County and the co-chair of the National Young Leadership Cabinet.

Following the inspiring meeting students shared their reflections on what had transpired.

One student expressed that, “It was nice to hear about their background and realize the incredible similarities I share with them. Their stories truly helped illustrate the incredible acts these leaders do to support the community I am a part of. It was a very informative meeting since the exact role of the Jewish Federation was explained and clarified. They explained how the Jewish Federation functions as the central base to raise money to distribute to diverse facets of the local Jewish community including to help students attend the March of the Living which I will be attending this coming April. I was awestruck by the stories they shared about how the Jewish Federation aided Ethiopian Jews. Bryan Drowos told us about a doctor who volunteered overseas to lend a helping hand to impoverished and ill children. This doctor refused to remain complacent amidst the horror unfolding and therefore adopted three children that were destined to die of ailments. The doctor took these children under his care and brought them to the United States to receive treatment and have better life opportunities.

This incredible story taught me that no matter how difficult your life situation the power of community can help you overcome insurmountable obstacles.”

    Another student stated, “The part of the presentation that impacted me the most was when Rabbi Josh Broide spoke about the power of Jewish communal cohesion. Rabbi Brodie discussed the time when David Abady’s grandfather passed away. This story touched me deeply since David is a good friend of mine and we were in communication during this sad time for him. David’s grandfather wished to be buried in Israel and the only family members that could make the trip were David’s father and uncle. Rabbi Josh Broide received word of this and made an effort to attend the funeral. The astounding part of this situation was that 20 children from the orphanage of Beit El showed up to the funeral even though they did not know the Abady  family.”

    This heroic and selfless act showcases the Jewish tenant of Tikkun Olam, repairing the world, as well as the power of unity among the Jewish people in connecting over our shared lineage even though we may not have any personal connection. We are all part of this Jewish family and therefore are obligated to put our grain of rice to assist our fellow brothers and sisters. The Jewish Federation is an organization filled with inspirational role models such as Rabbi Josh Brodie and Mr. Bryan Drowos. By listening to these stories of tremendous leadership we as rising college students and the leaders of tomorrow are empowered to go out and effect positive in our communities for the Jewish people and the world we are blessed to be members of.

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