Wednesday, March 16, 2016

An Exciting Week for National Honor Society

Today Rosenblatt High School National Honor Society members brought our collection of hats to be donated to the Stack the Caps program to a conclusion. Throughout the week members were encouraged to bring new hats for children with cancer, who are being treated at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital and other area facilities. In  total we collected forty hats. 

Today members participated in a “stacking of the caps.” Each participant stacked his or her cap on the pile, and the group watched the caps rise to great heights. 

Thank you to all those who participated and a special thank you to Jordyn Gelb and her family who brought the Stack the Caps program to our school and continues to foster our partnership with the organization. 

The momentum will continue as the annual Claire and Emanuel G. Rosenblatt High School Honor Society induction will take place this Friday in Zinman Hall. Twenty students will be inducted into our National Honor Society chapter during the ceremony. 

Joseph Zeuner, Historian

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