Tuesday, February 28, 2017

AP ART spotlight

Advance Placement Art

We are nearing the end of our seventh year of participation in the College Board’s advanced placement art program. Ten paintings done… two to go!!! This year seven of our junior and senior artists will be submitting painting portfolios.
“Words cannot describe the pride I feel for these talented, hardworking student artists.” says art teacher, Anita Schwartz.
Our students are encouraged to become informed and critical decision-makers as they develop a portfolio that is personal to their individual styles, talents and interests, while demonstrating creativity and mastery of drawing and painting principles.
Spotlight on the Work of Ashley Klein

AP Art Portfolio
Acrylic Paint on Canvas
11th Grade
Teacher: Anita Schwartz
Rosenblatt High School at Donna Klein Jewish Academy

            “When I read the news or hear about Israel, it is characterized by negativity, violence, and gory images. The media publishes articles such as “Violence flares with 4 attacks on Israelis in Jerusalem and West Bank,” teaching people that Israel is filled with violence and danger.
 In reality, to me, Israel is full of beautiful light, both literally and figuratively, that brings me happiness every time I visit. Israelis don’t live in fear; they look to the light and know that everything is going to be okay. On my canvases, I try to capture the quality of light and shadows. My goal as an artist is to show the positive side of this beautiful country. I appreciate the opportunity to show the Israel I see in my AP painting portfolio.”
Ashley Klein

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--Anita Schwartz, M.A.T.

Attachments area

Friday, February 24, 2017

ADL/No place for hate club blog

Becoming an Ally

On Wednesday, February 22nd, the 4th grade students had the opportunity to participate in a training on Becoming an Ally  provided by a group of the Rosenblatt High School Sophomore members of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), No Place for Hate Club. Students were introduced to the topic of bullying and learned strategies for standing up for someone who is being bullied.

On Thursday, February 24th, our 5th grade students delved deeper into the introductory training from 4th grade and engaged in interactive activities to explore issues around identity and respecting others points of view.  

Thank you to the presenters, Noah Siegel, Molly Wolman, Maya Nakdimon, Jonathan Zilonka, Ethan Kamber, Lauryn Faber, Naomi Fils, Sammi Schlissel, Rebecca Wirtshafter and to the Seniors, Joseph Zeuner, Sydney Altschul, and Emily Azoalos and Mikaela Mesch for supporting our presenters.

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Sydney Siegel, LCSW

Director of Student Services K-12

D'var Torah - Mishpatim – The honor of work

After the spiritually sublime experience of Matan Torah (the Giving of the Torah), the very next Torah portion, Mishpatim, deals with Jewish civil law.  The implication being that Jewish spirituality is achieved by ‘just’ relations between man and his fellow.  Closeness to Hashem can be attained by appropriate ethical mundane behavior.  

In articulating the various laws appropriate between man and his fellow the Torah relates (chapter 22, verse 37) the law for one who steals an ox or a sheep and sells it or slaughters it.  The thief is punished with a payment of 4 times the value for the sheep and five times the value for the ox.  Rashi in his commentary elaborates on a tanaic (talmudic) dispute between Rabbi Yochanan ben Zachai and Rabbi Meyer, on the reason for the disparaging payments for the thief.  Rabbi Yochanan, explains that Hashem is worried about mans honor.  Since a sheep is small animal, the thief will have to carry the animal on his shoulders when he steals it, and hence he is embarrassed by this action and is only fined 4 times payment instead of the normal five times for the thief that steals a bull which walks on its own, which does not disgrace the thief at all.  We see that Hashem pities even the compassionless thief.

Rabbi Baruch A. Plotkin

If you want to read more, click on the link here

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Color War 2017

Rosenblatt High School Color War 2017

This year's color war was an event enjoyed by all.  We experienced athletic talent, artistic talent, competitive yet sportsmanship infused games, and a plethora of school spirit.  The children were involved in a variety of different activities including a boys dance competition, a video challenge, an anti-bullying skit, minute-to-win-it games, all school volleyball game, flag football, kickball, relay race and so much more!  The theme for color war was Anti-bullying/No Place for Hate/#dkjakindness and those attributes were shown by the students throughout the day.

Silvana M. Delbo

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Senior Class Meets with Jewish Federation Leaders

Senior Class Meets with Jewish Federation Leaders
By The Senior Class of 2017  

    On Tuesday February 14th the Rosenblatt High School Senior class met with two prominent community leaders, Rabbi Josh Brodie and Mr. Bryan Drowos, who shared with us their experiences in serving the local Jewish community.

   Rabbi Josh Broide, of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County, serves as the director of the Deborah and Larry D. Silver Center for Jewish Engagement. Mr. Bryan Drowos is a member of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County and the co-chair of the National Young Leadership Cabinet.

Following the inspiring meeting students shared their reflections on what had transpired.

One student expressed that, “It was nice to hear about their background and realize the incredible similarities I share with them. Their stories truly helped illustrate the incredible acts these leaders do to support the community I am a part of. It was a very informative meeting since the exact role of the Jewish Federation was explained and clarified. They explained how the Jewish Federation functions as the central base to raise money to distribute to diverse facets of the local Jewish community including to help students attend the March of the Living which I will be attending this coming April. I was awestruck by the stories they shared about how the Jewish Federation aided Ethiopian Jews. Bryan Drowos told us about a doctor who volunteered overseas to lend a helping hand to impoverished and ill children. This doctor refused to remain complacent amidst the horror unfolding and therefore adopted three children that were destined to die of ailments. The doctor took these children under his care and brought them to the United States to receive treatment and have better life opportunities.

This incredible story taught me that no matter how difficult your life situation the power of community can help you overcome insurmountable obstacles.”

    Another student stated, “The part of the presentation that impacted me the most was when Rabbi Josh Broide spoke about the power of Jewish communal cohesion. Rabbi Brodie discussed the time when David Abady’s grandfather passed away. This story touched me deeply since David is a good friend of mine and we were in communication during this sad time for him. David’s grandfather wished to be buried in Israel and the only family members that could make the trip were David’s father and uncle. Rabbi Josh Broide received word of this and made an effort to attend the funeral. The astounding part of this situation was that 20 children from the orphanage of Beit El showed up to the funeral even though they did not know the Abady  family.”

    This heroic and selfless act showcases the Jewish tenant of Tikkun Olam, repairing the world, as well as the power of unity among the Jewish people in connecting over our shared lineage even though we may not have any personal connection. We are all part of this Jewish family and therefore are obligated to put our grain of rice to assist our fellow brothers and sisters. The Jewish Federation is an organization filled with inspirational role models such as Rabbi Josh Brodie and Mr. Bryan Drowos. By listening to these stories of tremendous leadership we as rising college students and the leaders of tomorrow are empowered to go out and effect positive in our communities for the Jewish people and the world we are blessed to be members of.

Is Mount Sinai a 'Holy Place'?

Is Mount Sinai a 'Holy Place'?  

Mount Sinai, the sight of the revelation, is not considered a holy place in Judaism.  Its location has never been verified, and it's location has never been considered a sacred spot or a historical monument, and within the Jewish community there has been very little effort to even locate the mountain.   

The role of Sinai was a temporary one.  It was not the mountain itself that gave Holiness (Kedushah).  The reverence and awe was directed towards the majesty of the Torah revelation through the Divine Presence (Shechina).  Once the revelation experience was over the Holiness also dissipated.  Therefore the Rabbis say "It is not the place that honors the man; it is the man who honors the place."  (Talmud Bavli, Taanit 21b)  This gives us a unique perspective on the human interaction between man and place.      

- Rabbi Baruch Plotkin

Friday, February 10, 2017

Picking vegetables can be a Mitzvah!!
Donna Klein Jewish Academy goes gleaning this Sunday morning.

Gleaning is a Biblical Mitzvah that is rarely available for us today.  
It is based on a verse in Leviticus :
"When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap all the way to the edges of your field, or gather the gleanings of your harvest" - Va-yikrah 19,9
This Mitzvah is as relevant today as it was in biblical times.
Despite the fact that there is a surplus of food in America there are still people who suffer hunger and rely on soup kitchens for their sustenance.
This is an opportunity to participate in saving fresh vegetables from going bad and making them available for a local soup kitchen.
It is also an opportunity to educate ourselves about the origin of food and spend quality time outdoors picking vegetables with our school community as part of our Mitzvah month.
We will  pick vegetables near Atlantic and Lyons Avenue.
Directions are in the attached document.
Every participant needs to have a signed waiver.
Students who are interested in community service hours,  please bring the form.
For more information about gleaning and the organization who organizes this gleaning event go here

Wednesday, February 8, 2017



The best thing about memories is making them. Over the weekend, a group of RHS students, primarily from the senior class, spent their second Shabbaton of the year at Gold Coast Camp in Lake Worth. On the trip, everyone was able to get in touch with not only themselves but, more importantly, one another during meaningful bonding activities. Specifically, the students completed the site's challenge course on Friday afternoon, participated in various partnership minyanim, and were able to relax in the cabins and kayaks over Shabbat. To finish it all off, the group gathered beside the bonfire on Saturday night to reflect on all their new memories. 

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- Hannah Wolf 

Dr. Edwin Black

New York Times Reporter and Bestselling Author visits Rosenblatt High School 

On Monday, February 06, 2017, Rosenblatt High School students had the opportunity to hear a lecture from Dr. Edwin Black.  Dr. Black is an award-winning, New York Times bestselling international investigative reporter, with more than a million books in print.  His work focuses on human rights, genocide and hate, corporate criminality and corruption, governmental misconduct, academic fraud, philanthropic abuse, oil addiction, alternative energy and historical investigation.

His lecture focused on IBM and the Holocaust, weaving a stunning story of IBM's strategic alliance with Nazi Germany -- beginning in 1933 in the first weeks that Hitler came to power and continuing well into World War II.  As the Third Reich embarked upon its plan of conquest and genocide, IBM and its subsidiaries helped create enabling technologies, step-by-step, from the identification and cataloging programs of the 1930s to the selections of the 1940s.  His lecture took the students through IBM’s carefully crafted corporate collusion with the Third Reich, as well as the structured deniability of oral agreements, undated letters, and the Geneva intermediaries -- all undertaken as the newspapers blazed with accounts of persecution and destruction.


Rabbi Baruch Plotkin, MJEd. 
Rabbi in Residence, Donna Klein Jewish Academy

Monday, February 6, 2017

Science Happenings

What's Happening in Science

All Science classes are very active with hands on, experiential learning.  In AP Physics, students performed a stress test to determine the breaking force of wooden dowels. The students hung weights from the dowel placed over the edge of a table until the dowel snapped. They repeated the experiment at different distances from the table's edge and demonstrated that the torque required to break the dowel was roughly constant no matter where the weights were hung. They had a blast breaking stuff, even though it was under controlled conditions.  

 In AP Chemistry, students worked on collecting data from a colorimeter
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Vernier Colorimeter

in order to determine concentration of a certain dye in sports drink.  Chemistry students are getting their hands on chemical reactions. Chemistry classes conducted their Green Chemistry Reaction Lab, which tied together the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) 12 Principles of Green Chemistry and the fundamental chemical reactions students studied. Students were required to select between two procedures, at four different stations. with various lab apparatus. 

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Biology students evaluated their pulse rate, rates of respiration and carbon dioxide production as it relates to physical exercise. - Lauren Jordan

Friday, February 3, 2017

Torah Yoga

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TORAH - YOGA with Morah Miriam

At Donna Klein we find many ways to connect with
God on a daily basis. One special way is to attend our Torah Yoga class. This class is based on the teachings from the book by the same name, written by Diane Bloomfield.

Torah Yoga is both a unique way of learning Torah (from the Pentateuch and other sacred Jewish texts) and a practical guide that teaches many yoga postures. Students experience Jewish wisdom through classical yoga postures and meditation, discovering that their own bodies are expressions of Torah wisdom. In this life-enhancing practice they also learn to  integrate mind, body, and soul to find their inner self.
The Torah teaches: “Greet everyone you meet with a pleasant face.” When you meet your inner self in a yoga posture, you learn to welcome your whole self and others with  kindness.
Torah Yoga is offered every day during Tefillah for students who choose to join and explore who they are.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Four Great Learning Experiences in a Single Day

Four Great Learning Experiences in a Single Day

JNF Winter Connection Brunch

Rosenblatt High School students joined with students from Katz Yeshiva High School to serve as volunteer  ambassadors at the JNF Winter Connection Brunch.

This program was attended by 1000 people as our students helped to raise awareness and support for JNF.

As an added bonus, students heard Ambassador Danny Ayalon speak and then, in a private lunch meeting just for students, had the opportunity to listen to the Ambassador and ask him questions about Israel and its relationship with the United States

Mock Trial Competition

On February 3, 2017, the DKJA team participated in the Palm Beach County Mock Trial Competition at the 15th Judicial Courthouse, which was founded by the Florida Law Related Education Association.DKJA students role played attorneys and witnesses in a fictional criminal trial. Students competed against other school teams located in our county. This was a wonderful opportunity for the students to learn about justice, the court system, and its process. Our team is in the final three of this academic competition and the winner will be announced in one monthI am very proud of Abe Wasserstein, Naomi Fills, Ari Holzhauer, Hadassah Richman, Alex Starr, Rebecca Wirtschafter, Aaron Fills, Sam Bernstein, Megan Sharp, Moshe Gad, who did a wonderful job representing our school.

In addition, the students also had an opportunity to tour the court house and meet with court personnel. Chief Judge Jeffrey Colbath and the Alternative Dispute Resolution Coordinator Walter Colbath of Palm Beach County privately met and spoke with the students regarding their responsibilities and the role they play in our legal system.

I also wanted to thank parents Greggory Starr, Hava Holzhauer, Miriam Klein, Deena Sturm and Judge Levenson who volunteered their time and legal acumen to the team during the Mock Trial Minimester.

Caryn Siperstein Klein, Esq.
Director of the Legal Studies Program

Boca Museum of Art

On February 2, 2017 a group of Rosenblatt High School students attended the Boca Raton Museum of Art to learn about landscapes. The day started with a drawing lesson where we learned about one point and two point perspective followed by an art activity where students created their own landscapes. 

We then had a docent led tour through the museum to observe landscape paintings that are in the museum's permanent collection as well as other interesting works of art. 

After having lunch in the lovely sculpture garden, we toured Glasstress, an exhibition that features 25-30 glass installations created by contemporary artists from around the world. We all had a great time and  returned feeling inspired and ready to create more art!

Anita Schwartz

This is Hunger

The 10th grade students had a unique opportunity to visit The Hunger on Wheels exhibit that came to our campus today. It was created by the LA-based Jewish organization,  Mazon-Jewish Response to Hunger. ​

They had a first-hand experience of trying to purchase a healthy meal on $1.40, which is the amount of money available to people on food stamps.

We heard surprising statistics about the prevalence of hunger in America and the diverse personal circumstances that lead people to go hungry.

The exhibit uses Cutting Edge technology (see the picture below of the virtual person at the table)  in bringing to life the personal stories of fellow Americans who are struggling to feed themselves and their family in a way that supports their health and is affordable.

We learned about to the significance of the federal food stamps program and were encouraged to advocate for the preservation of this program. Students were also encouraged to get involved in local action to provide food for people in need in Palm Beach County.

Anyone interested in getting involved with vegetable gleaning in our area that goes to food bank and soup kitchens in our County are welcome to visit this website.

Mr. Carmi