Friday, February 19, 2016

Cyber Safety Workshop for Middle and High School Students

In two separate workshops for both Middle School and Claire and Emanuel G. Rosenblatt High School students today, audiences were privileged to have Gregory Schiller, an Assistant State Attorney in the Palm Beach County State Attorney’s Office, provide some very helpful information about online safety.

Through firsthand accounts of cases he has prosecuted, Mr. Schiller was able to help the students understand that safe behavior online is critical.  Mr. Schiller shared information about the CyberTipline, an important resource for parents and their children. His strong take away to the students is that if they receive any photos or videos containing obscene content, be asked to meet in person from someone online, or be spoken to online by someone in a sexual manner, they should call 1-800-843-5678 or send an e-mail to All calls are anonymous.

As Mr. Schiller reminded attendees, smartphones are “computers that happen to make phone calls.” When looking at it in this way, it is imperative for students to understand both the benefits and dangers of online behavior. Children and young adults often do not understand the long-term impact of their digital footprint on their future. Mr. Schiller talked openly about the potential legal ramifications, as well as the potential harm to their reputation as key factors to remember regarding their Internet use.

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